Thursday, January 30, 2014

1-30-14 Total Calories

(2760 cal)

Again, I am somewhat surprised that it is about the same as yesterday. I feel like I blew it with lunch, which was the biggest meal of the day, so I skipped having any snacks. I also may have underestimated the calories on those dinner tacos. Still, I am learning to see the portions of my food. I am also learning to appreciate the consequence of eating something and bumping my calorie numbers up. I didn't eat as many vegetables or fruits as I should have. It was interesting to see that salsa didn't have as many calories in it as I would have thought.

I will also have to remember that, if I blow my calorie limits in the middle of the day, I won't be able to fully enjoy a late evening snack.

Yesterday, I tried to incorporate just the smallest amount of exercise you can imagine at the end of the day, but I didn't sleep that well during the night. Wonder if that is related somehow.

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